The TIMED orbit provides a unique perspective by which to compare neutral winds in the MLT region on an annual basis. TIMED yaw cycles begin in mid-January, mid-March, mid-May, mid-July, mid-September, and mid-November and last exactly two months. TIDI observes O2 At (0,0) emission on the terrestrial limb with four vertically scanning telescopes, two on each side of the satellite orbit. Horizontally resolved winds are constructed from these vertical scans. For each yaw cycle, the winds are binned into an altitude/local solar time/latitude grid that is 2.5km by 1 hour by 7.5 degrees in size. These animations may be accessed using the TIDI wind animation matrix. These data correspond to the currently published Level 2 TIDI product (version 8) and are sorted as a function of year (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005) and viewing direction (Cold and Warm).