Quality & Validation Archive

Data Quality and Validation Archive

Quality and Validation:

Complete TIDI mission, 2002 – 2005   –  Animations depicting Level 2 TIDI data products20060110_02 Rick N.02/1/2006
11:53 UT
Average winds from HRDI, WINDII, and TIDI   –  Animations comparing winds measured by independent satellite sensors displayed on a common grid20050922_02 Rick N.09/22/2005
11:57 UT
HRDI / WINDII wind comparisons   –  Yaw cycle animations of the resolved horizontal wind in the MLT region20050829_02 Rick N.09/6/2005
15:53 UT
WINDII Data Animations of Daily Averaged Products   –  Collection of Level 2cd WINDII combined data20050823_02 Rick N.08/23/2005
19:40 UT
HRDI Data Animations of Daily Averaged Products   –  Collection of Level 2B HRDI data20050816_02 Rick N.08/17/2005
12:01 UT
TIDI yaw cycle animations   –  Yaw cycle animations of the horizontally resolved winds20050302_02 Rick N09/7/2005
09:56 UT
TIDI status report at CEDAR 2004 meeting   –  Brief status report of the TIDI experiment [July 2, 2004]20040706_08 Rick N07/6/2004
15:41 UT
TIDI Calibration Presentation   –  Calibration workshop description of TIDI [June 30, 2004]20040706_06 Rick N07/6/2004
15:30 UT
TIDI CAWSES 2004 presentation   –  TIDI and Sondre Stromfjord observations of upper atmosphere dynamics [Jun 29, 2004]20040706_04 Rick N07/6/2004
15:19 UT
TIDI October 2003 storm presentation   –  CEDAR presentation of TIDI data. [June 28, 2004]20040706_02 Rick N07/6/2004
12:36 UT
RETRIEVE/INVERT comparison   –  Altitude/LST comparison, signal(all Telescopes) & horizontal winds(Merid/Zonal, Warm/Cold)20040526_01 Rick N05/26/2004
16:54 UT
TIDI Scattering Trends   –  Bi-weekly update of TIDI scattering trends20040521_02 Rick N12/11/2007
09:40 UT